System Utilities

Concept Explanation

System utility software is required for the maintenance of computer. These programs perform tasks related to the maintenance of the computer system. These are the packages which are loaded into computer during time of installation of operating system. They are used to support, enhance, expand and secure existing programs and data in the computer system.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1
Why is a File-Compression utility ideal for use when files are being transferred over a network connection? Choose correct option.
Right Option : D
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Question : 2
Fill in the blanks:
  • ___________ makes a copy of all information stored on the disk.
  • _________________ that allows correction, addition and deletion of texts.
Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Match the following:

A. Disk Fragmenter (i) It can be used to rearrange files and unused space on your hard disk.
B. Backup Utilities (ii) It is the utility which is used to scan computer for viruses and prevent the computer system files from being corrupt.
C. Anti-virus (iii) To encrypt and decrypt files.
D. Cryptographic utility (iv) It can make a copy of all information stored on a disk and restore either the entire disk or selected files.
Right Option : C
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